
Groundwater Exchange

Sharing ideas and resources for successful implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.

Groundwater Management Resources

Select Your Group

Choose from a group below to view relevant research tools, useful links, publications, and more.

Introducing SGMA

Learn more about the legislation, what it means, and who it covers.


Water budgets are a required element of Groundwater Sustainability Plans.

Groundwater Sustainability Agencies

Regulations, planning, and stakeholder engagement.

Coordination Agreements

In basins with multiple GSPs, a single Coordination Agreement must be submitted.

Stakeholder Engagement Resources

Resources in English and Spanish.

Key Pages

Developing a Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Avoiding Undesirable Results

Projects and Actions

Case Studies

Land Use Issues

Basin Information

Find Your Basin

Discover models, publications, and information organized by basin or subbasin. Find your Basin below!

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