In basins with multiple GSPs, a single Coordination Agreement must be submitted with the GSPs to DWR. The coordination agreement ensures that GSPs are developed and implemented using consistent data, methodologies, and objectives.
The Coordination Agreement must demonstrate how multiple GSPs will jointly achieve the basin’s sustainability goal. Additionally, it must include the responsibilities of each GSA in the basin; the procedures for exchanging information and resolving conflicts; and a description of the data, methodologies, and assumptions used in GSP development.
View completed coordination agreements below.
Tule Subbasin Coordination Agreement (January 16, 2020)
This coordination agreement is between seven GSAs in the Tule Subbasin:
- Eastern Tule Groundwater Sustainability Agency
- Tri-County Water Authority Groundwater Sustainability Agency
- Pixley Irrigation District Groundwater Sustainability Agency
- Lower Tule River Irrigation District Groundwater Sustainability Agency
- Delano-Earlimart Irrigation District Groundwater Sustainability Agency
- Alpaugh Groundwater Sustainability Agency
- Tulare County Groundwater Sustainability Agency
5-022.13 Tule_Coordination Agreement_Updated
Delta-Mendota Subbasin Coordination Agreement (December 12, 2018)
This subbasin has 24 GSAs that developed six GSPs. The GSAs are:
- Aliso Water District GSA
- Central Delta-Mendota Region Multi-Agency GSA
- City of Dos Palos GSA
- City of Firebaugh GSA
- City of Gustine GSA
- City of Los Banos GSA
- City of Mendota GSA
- City of Newman GSA
- City of Patterson GSA
- County of Madera GSA #3
- DM-II GSA•Farmers Water District GSA
- Fresno County, Management Area A GSA
- Fresno County, Management Area B GSA
- Grassland Water District GSA
- Merced County, Delta-Mendota GSA
- Northwestern Delta-Mendota GSA
- Ora Loma Water District GSA
- Patterson Irrigation District GSA
- San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority GSA
- Turner Island Water District GSA #2
- West Stanislaus Irrigation District GSA#1
- West Stanislaus Irrigation District GSA #2
- Widren Water District GSA
FINAL Coordination Agreement Delta Mendota Subbasin with Signatures
Kings Subbasin Coordination Agreement (December 20, 2019)
There are seven GSAs that are party to this coordination agreement:
- Central Kings GSA
- James GSA
- Kings River East GSA
- McMullin Area GSA
- North Fork Kings GSA
- North Kings GSA
- South Kings GSA
Kings Coordination Agreement fully executed 12-20-2019 revExB
Kern Subbasin Coordination Agreement (January 20, 2020)
The Kern Groundwater Authority prepared an umbrella GSP with 16 GSAs which each prepared their own plan under the umbrella. Those GSAs are:
- Arvin Community Services District
- Arvin-Edison Water Storage District
- Cawelo Water District
- City of Shafter
- Kern County Water Agency
- Kern-Tulare Water District
- Kern Water Bank Authority
- North Kern Water Storage District
- Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District
- Semitropic Water Storage District
- Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District
- Southern San Joaquin Municipal Utility District
- Tejon-Castaic Water District
- West Kern Water District
- Westside District Water Authority
- Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District
Kern Coordination Agreement with Appendixes 1-2020 Updated
Click here for the regulations pertaining to Interbasin and Coordination Agreements.