Santa Clara River Valley – Fillmore
- Basin Name
- Santa Clara River Valley – Fillmore
- Basin Number
- 4-004.05
- SGMA Basin Priority
- High
- Critically Overdrafted
- No
- Hydrologic Region Name
- South Coast
- Counties
- Ventura
Located in California’s South Coast hydrologic region, the Santa Clara River Valley – Fillmore is 22,585.84 acres in size. This High priority basin is home to an estimated 16,240 people (2010 value). It has approximately 382 wells, of which approximately 13 are water supply wells. Groundwater accounts for approximately 92 percent of the basin’s water supply.

Basin Notes
2003: Bulletin 118 basin description
2014: CASGEM Basin Prioritization: medium
2018: Draft basin prioritization: high. Groundwater levels, salt intrusion and subsidence comments –
- Groundwater level decline account in 2014 and 2015 Piru and Fillmore Basins Biennial Groundwater Conditions Report, United Water Conservation District
- Salt intrusion: Water purveyors in the Piru, Fillmore, Santa Paula, Mound, and Oxnard subbasins include United Water Conservation District and Ventura County. United Water Conservation District operates surface water facilities to encourage groundwater protection through conjunctive use (UWCD 2012). Groundwater issues within the United Water Conservation District service area (which includes all of the basin) include overdraft conditions, sea water intrusion, and high nitrate concentrations. Source: Long Term Operation EIS, Chapter 7, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR)
- Subsidence: Section 2.8 (2013); Figure 2.8 shows subsidence zones based on best available data (1973). Subsidence zones not updated due to lack of geodetic survey data. Source: Ventura County General Plan Hazards Appendix 2013
2019: Basin boundary modification; per DWR: “
The basin boundary modification contains three components. The first part is a jurisdictional boundary modification to the Santa Paula and Filmore subbasins that shifts the existing shared boundary to align with the eastern extent of the adjudicated Santa Paula subbasin – this results in non-adjudicated areas being added to the Fillmore subbasin. The second part is a scientific boundary modification to the shared boundary of the Piru and Fillmore subbasins. Geologic maps and groundwater elevation data support the shared boundary location at a steep groundwater gradient inflection point. The third part of the request is a scientific modification to the external boundaries of the Filmore and Piru subbasins. The supporting information follows geologic contacts on a qualified geologic map to delineate the proposed boundary revisions. Four letters of support are associated with the request. Each part of the request meets regulatory requirements and supplies sufficient scientific rationale where needed.” Draft priority: High.
2022: January 22 — GSP submitted to DWR
2024: January 18 – GSP deemed incomplete by DWR
July 16 — Revised GSP submitted to DWR
July 18 – Public comment period opens on revised GSP until 9/16/24