Sacramento Valley – Butte
- Basin Name
- Sacramento Valley – Butte
- Basin Number
- 5-021.70
- SGMA Basin Priority
- Medium
- Critically Overdrafted
- No
- Hydrologic Region Name
- Sacramento River
- Counties
- Butte
Located in California’s Sacramento River hydrologic region, the Sacramento Valley – Butte subbasin is 265,500 acres in size. This Medium priority basin is home to an estimated 14,950 people (2010 value). Groundwater accounts for approximately 26 percent of the basin’s water supply.

Basin Notes
2019: Basin created through consolidation of subbasins. Per DWR: The “modification consists of four parts. The first part revises and expands the Vina subbasin to cover groundwater dependent areas currently included in the northern portions of East Butte and West Butte subbasins. The modification extends the Butte County portion of Vina Subbasin southerly to the northern boundary of Western Canal Water District. The resulting Vina subbasin includes the City of Chico, unincorporated Durham, and the Durham Irrigation District. The second part modifies the western boundaries of the existing Butte County portion of Vina, and West Butte subbasins, near the Sacramento River to align with the Butte County line. The third part revises the southern boundary of the East Butte subbasin to follow the Butte/Sutter County line except for the Biggs-West Gridley Water District and Reclamation District 1004 jurisdictional boundaries; which results in these Districts being entirely within the resulting Butte subbasin. The fourth part consolidates the remaining East Butte and West Butte subbasin areas to form the Butte subbasin.” Phase 2 draft priority: medium.
2022: Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) submitted to Department of Water Resources (DWR)
2023: GSP approved by DWR