CA WATER COMMISSION: Update on implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act

DWR updates the Commissioners on the evaluation of alternative plans, basin boundary modifications, and basin prioritization At the November meeting of the California Water Commission, staff from the Sustainable Groundwater Management Program at the Department of Water Resources updated the Commissioners on the various activities of the Department to implement Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). […]

What’s new at the Groundwater Exchange … check out your basin page!


Basin pages now complete

The Groundwater Exchange is pleased to announce that the basin pages have now been completed for all medium and high priority basins.  While we have done our best to bring together the information from DWR and other sources, those of you who work in your basin know it best, so we invite you to let us know of any erroneous information or send in any resources or information you may have.  Click here to find your basin.

Upcoming groundwater events

Tuesday, November 13th

Citizen Groundwater Empowerment Workshop in Napa.  Presented by the North Coast Stream Flow Coalition and The Nature Conservancy. Click here for more information.

Groundwater Resources Association Southern California Chapter: PFAS 101, Facts on Remediation and Analysis of the Per/Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances – Best Practices in Fountain Valley. For more information and to register, click here.  You do not need to be a member to attend.

Wednesday, September 14th

GRA WEBINAR: The Systems Approach for Sustainable Groundwater Planning and Management.  Click here for more information and to register.

Greater Kaweah GSA Groundwater Informational Workshop For Rural Communities & Residents On Private Wells in Farmersville.  Click here for an information flyer in both English and Spanish.

Groundwater Resources Association Sacramento Chapter: Can California successfully integrate groundwater and surface water under SGMA? with attorney Kevin O’Brien.   Click here for more information and to register.  You do not need to be a member to attend.

Groundwater Resources Association Inland Empire Chapter: “Building Bridges to a New World in Water Resource Management” with Kirby Brill.  Click here for more information and to register.

Groundwater Exchange Webinar

Join us for a live demo of the Groundwater Exchange on December 5th to learn more about key features and opportunities to engage with the site and others during this webinar hosted by the Groundwater Exchange, Stanford University’s Water in the West, and Environmental Defense Fund.  We will be joined by Herb Smart, a regulatory analyst at the Turlock Irrigation District who will discuss how water agencies can use the Groundwater Exchange.

Click here to register.

Our previous webinar will be available on the “About” tab shortly.

PANEL DISCUSSION: Emerging legal issues in SGMA implementation

Panel discusses water rights and pumping allocations, groundwater recharge as a beneficial use, public trust doctrine and groundwater, and the fee authorities for GSAs In 2014, California passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), which required all groundwater basins designated as high or medium priority to form Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) to prepare locally-developed plans […]

DR. JEFF MOUNT: Making groundwater a centerpiece of managing the droughts of the future

Four essential policy reforms are needed to reduce the social, economic, and environmental costs of future droughts, says Dr. Mount California’s climate is changing. Hotter temperatures, a shrinking snowpack, shorter and more intense wet seasons, rising sea level, and more volatile precipitation—with wetter wet years and drier dry years—are stressing the state’s water management system. […]

This week at the Groundwater Exchange …

Free webinar on the Groundwater Exchange tomorrow from 12pm to 1pm:  Join us for a free webinar where I’ll take you through the website and show you all the things that are tucked in there.

Click here to register.

The State Water Board will hold a public workshop on Groundwater-Surface Water interactions on December 3rd in Sacramento.  The goal of the workshop is to provide water managers, including GSAs and others, with a menu of approaches to consider as they contemplate managing their own watersheds to prevent or manage depletions of interconnected surface water.  To attend, you’ll need to RSVP before October 21st.  Click here for more detailsView this event and other groundwater events at the Groundwater Exchange calendar (also available on the main menu bar).


SURVEY: SGMA and water quality issues

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is seeking input via a survey on water quality as it relates to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act and the Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSP) Regulations. The purpose of this survey is for DWR’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Program (SGMP) to obtain feedback on water quality concerns, which will inform DWR’s […]

Managed Aquifer Recharge in California

Timothy Parker and Graham Fogg discuss the benefits and the challenges of Managed Aquifer Recharge, and how MAR can be key to water security in a changing climate Groundwater is an essential water source, providing 35% of the fresh water used in California, and significantly more in drought years.  However, when groundwater is used more […]

FloodMAR: Using floodwaters for groundwater recharge

Kamyar Guivetchi on the importance of the Flood MAR concept and what DWR and other state agencies are doing to advance the concept Flood-MAR is an integrated water resource management strategy that uses flood waters resulting from rainfall or snowmelt for managed aquifer recharge on agricultural lands and working landscapes. Flood-MAR can also be implemented […]


From the Department of Water Resources Sustainable Groundwater Management Program: Basin Boundary Modifications Submission Period Extended to September The Department of Water Resources (DWR) has extended the Basin Boundary Modifications submission period to September 28, 2018, in response to comments received on the Draft 2018 SGMA Basin Prioritization. The extension will allow additional opportunity for […]

Successful Groundwater Sustainability Planning

Dudek hydrogeologist Jill Weinberger discusses groundwater sustainability planning and lessons learned California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) requires all groundwater basins designated as medium or high priority to develop a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) to achieve sustainable management by 2040-2042.   In this webinar, Jill Weinberger, a hydrogeologist with Dudek, gives a high-level overview of the […]