Upper Santa Ana Valley – San Timoteo



Located in California’s South Coast hydrologic region, the Upper Santa Ana Valley – San Timoteo subbasin is 158,534.44 acres. This Very Low priority basin is home to an estimated 50,453 people (2010 value). It has approximately 390 wells, of which approximately 38 are water supply wells. Groundwater accounts for approximately 98 percent of the basin’s water supply.

Basin Notes

21.4% adjudicated. Adjudicated area: Beaumont Basin. Watermaster reports

2004: Bulletin 118 basin description

Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority 

2019: Basin boundary modification. Per DWR: It “removes areas of low permeability, well- consolidated bedrock from the basin. The revised basin boundary follows geologic contacts of alluvium and bedrock using a qualified geologic map.”

Phase 2 draft priority: very low.  

GSA Information