Gilroy-Hollister Valley – Bolsa Area (now part of the North San Benito Groundwater subbasin)
- Basin Name
- Gilroy-Hollister Valley – Bolsa Area (now part of the North San Benito Groundwater subbasin)
- Basin Number
- 3-003.02
- SGMA Basin Priority
- Medium
- Critically Overdrafted
- No
- Hydrologic Region Name
- Central Coast
- Counties
- San Benito

Basin Notes
2003: Bulletin 118 basin description
2018: Basin prioritization groundwater level comment – 1) CASGEM/WDL/GWIDS: Longterm hydrographs show groundwater level decline. Source: DWR 2) GWLs continued to decline in areas of basin that rely on GW, specifically in the Bolsa, San Juan, Hollister West, Bolsa SE, and Tres Pinos subbasins. While some subbasins showed groundwater level increases, overall groundwater in storage decreased. Groundwater elevation declines and storage decreases during drought do not constitute overdraft; nevertheless, the continued reduced supplies of imported water in tandem with increased groundwater demands are a warning of potential overdraft. Source: San Benito County Water District Basin boundary modification request pending
2019: Basin boundary modification approved consolidating the Bolsa Area, Hollister Area, and San Juan Bautista Area subbasins of Gilroy-Hollister Valley basin, and the Tres Pinos Valley basin, into a new subbasin, the North San Benito Groundwater subbasin 3-003.05)