Coastal Plain of San Diego
- Basin Name
- Coastal Plain of San Diego
- Basin Number
- 9-033
- SGMA Basin Priority
- Low
- Critically Overdrafted
- No
- Hydrologic Region Name
- South Coast
- Counties
- San Diego
- Adjacent Basins
No items found
Located in California’s South Coast hydrologic region, the Coastal Plain of San Diego is 54,980.89 acres in size. This Low priority basin is home to an estimated 660,395 people (2010 value). It has approximately 195 wells, of which approximately 13 are water supply wells. Groundwater accounts for approximately 5 percent of the basin’s water supply.

Basin Notes
2016: Bulletin 118 basin boundary description
2019: Basin boundary modification denied. Per DWR: “This basin boundary modification would modify the Coastal Plain of San Diego basin by removing the south San Diego Bay salt ponds and the Silver Strand peninsula southward to align with the southern end of the bay and along the municipal boundary of Coronado and Imperial Beach. Two letters of support are associated with the request. The agency did not provide sufficient scientific evidence to support the relocation of the external boundary that would follow the institutional boundary. The request does not fully meet the requirements of the regulations.” Phase 2 draft priority low. Comments: 1) The groundwater is characterized with moderate to high levels of salinity. A recent study by USGS evaluated the sources and movement of saline groundwater in these groundwater basins (USGS 2013b). The chloride concentrations ranged from 57 to 39,400 mg/L. The sources of salinity were natural geologic sources and sea water intrusion. Source: 9-033_7c_LTO-EIS_USBR_2015-Chapter7-GWResources.pdf pg. 7-83 2) Ocean desalination begun. Source: 9-033_7c_SanDiegoCountyAnnualReport2016Website.pdf All