Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Authority behind schedule on modeling, hears latest on water importation

“At the Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Authority meeting Thursday, the board heard the latest about its water marketer, the Capital Core Group.  General Manager Don Zdeba reported that since the last board meeting the agreement with Capital Core has been executed and signed.  Water Resources Manager Steve Johnson of Stetson Engineers reported that Stetson has been coordinating with Capital Core as well. … ”

Read more from the Ridgecrest Independent here:  Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Authority behind schedule on modeling, hears latest on water importation

Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Authority’s first meeting of 2019 meeting features presentations, appointments

From the Ridgecrest Independent:

“The Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Authority had its first meeting since November 2018 on Jan. 17. All representatives were present with the exception of Ryan Klaush from Bureau of Land Management because of the government shutdown. There was a moment of silence for furloughed workers.

This was also the first board of directors meeting for Ridgecrest City Councilman Loren Scott Hayman since being appointed to the position.

The board approved the appointment of Judie Decker as a policy advisory committee representative for Eastern Kern County Resource Conservation District. Mick Gleason personally thanked Decker for her service on the board. … ”

Read more from the Ridgecrest Independent here:  Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Authority’s first meeting of 2019 meeting features presentations, appointments

Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Authority talk health and safety, imported water

From the Ridgecrest Independent:

“Health and safety concerns became a topic of discussion at Thursday’s Indian Wells Valley Groundwater board meeting when Ridgecrest resident Nick Panzer broached the subject.  Speaking during public comment, Panzer presented a letter to board addressing possible water allocations down the road as the Groundwater Authority prepares its sustainability plan.

“We must end overdraft in our basin,” Panzer said. “That means we must reduce pumping from about 28,000 acre feet a year to about 7,000 acre-feet per year.” … ”

Read more from the Ridgecrest Independent here:  Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Authority talk health and safety, imported water