Economic impacts of SGMA on dairies and beef cattle

Dairy Cares and the California Cattle Council commissioned ERA Economics to prepare an assessment of the economic impact of SGMA on dairies and beef cattle in the San Joaquin Valley.

SGMA implementation is continuing across California. Sustainably managing water resources provides long-run benefits for our agricultural industries, but these come with more immediate adjustment costs.

Our team at ERA Economics has been working with our agricultural industries to develop data and tools to understand SGMA implementation, how it will affect the industry, and help businesses proactively plan to minimize economic costs.  The most substantial adjustments to SGMA are expected in Critically Overdrafted Subbasins, many of which are in the San Joaquin Valley.

The effects of SGMA are highly local.  One of the key industries that will be affected through SGMA implementation is California’s $29 billion dairy and beef cattle industry. … ”

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Absent major changes, new groundwater rules will cost Kern County 24,000 jobs

From Bakersfield Now:

“Absent major changes to farming practices and an increase in water supply, Kern County‘s farming juggernaut will have to shrink considerably to meet aggressive new targets for conservation.

A study commissioned by the Kern Groundwater Authority suggests tremendous job losses are a possibility as water district managers and farmers work toward compliance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. … ”

Read more from Bakersfield Now here:  Absent major changes, new groundwater rules will cost Kern County 24,000 jobs