WATER WRIGHTS: San Luis-Delta Mendota WA, Semitropic WSD, Kern Water Bank, Friant WA, Westlands, and more …

A recap of what’s recently been posted at Water Wrights, a website that covers Central Valley water meetings:

Click here to read all articles at WaterWrights.net.




WATER WRIGHTS: Friant Water Authority, Westlands, Pixley Groundwater Commission, and more …

Water Wrights provides coverage of Central Valley water meetings.  All coverage written by Don Wright.

Read more meeting coverage and sign up for email service at WaterWrights.net

WATER WRIGHTS, March 13-26: Madera ID, Westlands Grower Meeting, Buena Vista WSD

Water Wrights provides coverage from Central Valley water meetings, primarily in the San Joaquin Valley.



Read all articles at WaterWrights.net.

Guest Commentary: SGMA – What’s a Farmer to Do?

Guest commentary by Don A. Wright at WaterWrights.net:

“Just when things are starting to get back to normal after the recent drought, the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014 has sucked all the oxygen out of the room. It’s common for irrigation and water district general managers to spend at least half their time and talent on dealing with the requirements of this law. Many have said this is the most impactful piece of water legislation since 1914 when the Water Commission Act formalized the appropriation system and centralized appropriative water right records at the state level (now the State Water Resources Control Board). Under the act, the state required new appropriators to obtain a permit from the state prior to diverting water but left groundwater alone.

The Valley’s aquifer is showing the stress of over pumping and some very real dangers lie ahead if this trend isn’t reversed. While there is plenty of room to blame misguided water policy from Sacramento – the blame won’t correct the problem. In fact most experts and laymen alike don’t see a way for business to return to usual. …

I asked some people whose opinions I respect; what can a farmer do to protect his assets? Here are some of the answers.

To read the full commentary, click here: GUEST COMMENTARY: SGMA – What’s a Farmer to Do?