SGMA requires GSAs to consider the interests of many beneficial users and uses of groundwater, including overlying groundwater rights holders (both agricultural users and domestic well owners), municipal well owners, public water systems, local land use planning agencies, environmental users of groundwater, surface water users, the federal government, Native American tribes, and disadvantaged communities (DACs).
Key publications and resources
Stakeholder Communication and Engagement (DWR)
Examples and resources to engage stakeholders in Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) preparation.
Getting involved in groundwater: A guide to Groundwater Sustainability Plans
This guide helps stakeholders get involved in developing a local groundwater sustainability plan.
Collaborating for Success: Stakeholder Engagement for Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Implementation
The results of stakeholder engagement strongly depend on the nature of the engagement process. Therefore, the manner in which SGMA’s engagement and participation requirements are incorporated into the process will ultimately determine the degree to which these efforts further the goal of achieving sustainable groundwater management.
For local agencies and, later, Groundwater Sustainability Agencies to maximize the impact of stakeholder engagement, engagement needs to be institutionalized so that stakeholder contributions tangibly shape outcomes. Additionally, the level of and mechanisms for engagement need to be suited to the needs, desires, and interests of the stakeholders.
The intent of this paper is to convey the value of stakeholder engagement to sustainable groundwater management and to provide tools that will help maximize its benefits. Section One considers the question, what is stakeholder engagement and why is it important? Section Two then outlines the statutory requirements for stakeholder engagement in SGMA. Finally, Section Three, drawing on best practices and examples of collaborative management from around the state, provides a recommended roadmap for effective stakeholder engagement drawn specifically for SGMA implementation.
Click here to download this document from Clean Water Action.
Engagement with tribal governments
Resources for GSAs to engage California’s Tribal governments, including those on Tribal lands not subject to SGMA.
The Groundwater Game
The Groundwater Game provides players with an interactive opportunity to experience the challenges of managing increasingly scarce groundwater when there are competing needs. The game also provides players with a greater understanding of different management tools, including groundwater trading.
Publicaciones clave en español
Documento Guia para el GSP – Comunicacion y Participacion de los Interesados
Este documento guía ofrece a las agencias de Sostenibilidad del Agua Subterránea (GSA) información útil para la comunicación y participación de los interesados en la elaboración del Plan de Sostenibilidad del Agua Subterránea (GSP).
Guía para entender los planes de sustentabilidad de aguas subterráneas de California
Esta guía está diseñada para ayudarle involucrarse en el desarrollo de un plan local de sustentabilidad de agua subterránea, que requiere la Ley de Manejo Sustentable de Aguas Subterráneas de California.
Un folleto que explica los conceptos básicos de la Ley de gestión Sustentable del Agua Subterránea (SGMA).